Thursday, April 8, 2010

ray of hope

I decided to create this blog because I thought it would be a cool way to kind of show the world what I am thinking. So, life is pretty complicated like a spiders web,especially when you are in high school. I mean we students have to worry about crushes,friends,our social life, and school work. So we basically have a lot on our minds, I mean who doesn't at this age. Sometimes I wish I could go back to kindergarten. you know back when nobody would worry about who wore the best clothes or who was more popular. Back where nobody cared and we would all be friends with everyone without all these complications. Back where we welcomed a new kid in class with smiles and play with them all day. Those were the good old days. now we have to worry about other things and I guess its just a part of life. We have to learn to live with these complications. I think of it this way, if we really have a complicated day then we just got to get through it. whatever it is we just got to keep looking up and try to survive this complicated stage in our lives. This is also true for adults, I mean adults have to worry about bills, money, job, and that weird mean boss that they all have. I bet they wish they could return to kindergarten sometimes too, right? We just all got to keep looking at that ray of hope to get through this. So keep your head held high and look forward! :D

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